Sonepar is an independent family-owned company standing as the world leader in B-to-B distribution of electrical equipment, solutions, and services.
In 2023, Sonepar achieved sales of €33.3 billion. Present in 40 countries with a dense network of brands, the Group is leading an ambitious transformation to make its customers’ lives easier providing them an omnichannel experience and sustainable solutions in the building, industry, and energy markets.
Sonepar’s 45,000 associates are committed to accelerating the world’s electrification and driven by a shared Purpose: Powering Progress for Future Generations.
In 2023, Sonepar achieved sales of €33.3 billion. Present in 40 countries with a dense network of brands, the Group is leading an ambitious transformation to make its customers’ lives easier providing them an omnichannel experience and sustainable solutions in the building, industry, and energy markets.
Sonepar’s 45,000 associates are committed to accelerating the world’s electrification and driven by a shared Purpose: Powering Progress for Future Generations.

Code of Conduct
Compliance and Integrity
All Committed, All Compliant!
Our ambition to stand as “la Référence” applies to compliance and integrity as well.Sonepar is committed to the highest ethical, social and environmental standards and aims to behave as a responsible corporate citizen in all countries where it operates.
Marie-Christine Coisne-Roquette, Permanent representative of Colam Entreprendre, Sonepar Chairman
“Since Sonepar’s creation in 1969, complying with the rules of ethics and good governance, as embodied and passed down by our founder, has always been a priority for the Group.”
Philippe Delpech, CEO
“Compliance is everyone’s responsibility at Sonepar, every day and in everything we do.”
In 2019, Sonepar became the first group in France to have been officially declared compliant with all the requirements of France’s Sapin II anti-corruption law. The decision was handed down on July 4, 2019 by the Enforcement Committee of the French Anti-corruption Agency (Agence Française Anticorruption – AFA).
Sonepar has rolled out all of the eight measures and procedures required: code of conduct, whistleblowing scheme, risk map, third party due to diligence procedures, accounting control procedures, training program, internal disciplinary procedure, procedure for internal monitoring and assessment of these measures.
Sonepar has rolled out all of the eight measures and procedures required: code of conduct, whistleblowing scheme, risk map, third party due to diligence procedures, accounting control procedures, training program, internal disciplinary procedure, procedure for internal monitoring and assessment of these measures.
Sonepar’s Whistleblowing Policy
How to raise a concern
For associates, referring the matter to their manager is the preferred option. They can also contact Sonepar’s Head Office, the Local Human Resources Department, or the Group General Counsel’s Office at groupcompliance@sonepar.com.
A confidential, external whistleblower reporting system is also available for third parties or associates who want to make a report without directly interacting with Sonepar’s personnel.
Raise a concern
This platform is provided by an independent third party that has been selected by Sonepar. Suspicions and incidents can be reported in 20 different languages at any time – 24 hours a day. The reporting process is encrypted, and password protected, and all communication with the whistleblower takes place on this secure platform.
Access Sonepar Alert Platform
For associates, referring the matter to their manager is the preferred option. They can also contact Sonepar’s Head Office, the Local Human Resources Department, or the Group General Counsel’s Office at groupcompliance@sonepar.com.
A confidential, external whistleblower reporting system is also available for third parties or associates who want to make a report without directly interacting with Sonepar’s personnel.
Raise a concern
This platform is provided by an independent third party that has been selected by Sonepar. Suspicions and incidents can be reported in 20 different languages at any time – 24 hours a day. The reporting process is encrypted, and password protected, and all communication with the whistleblower takes place on this secure platform.
Access Sonepar Alert Platform